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60 Shot Skill Test:
Standard Skills Test measures your Total Distance, or Carry (You may decide which) from a total of 60 shots at various distances. These combination of various distances allows you to test your skills for each club in your bag.
Where do I find the Standard Skills Test?
From the main menu, click on “Challenges”. Among the next options, you will click on “Standard Skills Test”.
Starting a Standard Skills Test
Once you have selected Standard Skills Test, you will immediately be brought to a selection screen. Here, you are offered two options. Start the Skills Test with your full bag, or to Exit the Skills Test.
Skills Test Setup
Once you have selected “Full Bag”, you will be able to customize your Skills Test. Once everything is set to your preferred configuration, press “Go” to begin!
Players: In the top left, you will need to select your Player(s) for the test. To add more players, select 2-4 of the bubbles under “Players”.
Selecting “Anonymous” will utilize the default bag settings given to each player.
Selecting Guest will allow you to input a temporary name and HCP. (Handicap)
Selecting already created players will utilize their own HCP and customized bag.
Target: This helps dictate your score. The closer to the pin your ball lands, the higher the score. It is up to you if you would like your Total Distance to be counted, or just your Carry Distance.
Distance: Distance can be set to either “Fixed”, or “Random”.
selecting fixed will maintain each set distance in all 60 shots in 10 yard increments. (Or 5 Meter increments if using Metric)
selecting random will break the set increments above, and allow the distances to fall at any length.
Camera: This selection offers two options. You will either select the camera to stay with the player after the ball has been struck, or follow the ball.
Understanding the UI
Target: Target will display the total distance the pin is from your ball. (You will see “M”, Meter” or “Yds”, Yards depending on what Unit is set in your Game Settings) In the same box you can see Total, and Target.
Total: The Total is the amount of shots you have taken, and have remaining. In the screenshot above, I have taken 8/60 shots
Target: Each set distance, you will get 6 attempts. The amount of shots taken from that distance will be shown here.
Carry/Target: The big number under Carry/Target represents the Carry/Target of latest shot taken. (In my example I am using Carry) The small number on the left of your Carry shows the median between your shortest and longest Carry so far. The small number on the right is a value assigned to show the spread score of all shots taken so far.
To Pin: The largest number under To Pin will let you know how close to the pin your ball was in your latest shot. Like before the small number to the left represents the median distance to the pin, while the number on the right assigns a value for the difference in those numbers.
Score: The large number under score shows the score of the last shot taken. The small number on the bottom left of that represents the median of your best, and worse score so far. This will be your final score once all shots have been taken. The small number on the bottom right shows your maximum score plus your median score minus a set value.
Settings: If you’d wish to exit, restart, or adjust some settings half way through the Skills test, you will click settings to access these options. (Some settings cannot be changed halfway through a Skills Test)
Tracer: Tracer is turned off by default, but when selected will show a visual tracer for your last two shots (Resetting every third shot)
Player: This will show which player is currently up to take their shot. You can also click on Player to access your settings at any time during the Skills Test.
Final Score/Leaderboard
Once you have completed your Skills Test, you will be shown a chart like the one below. In this chart you can review the score, average score, and total score throughout your 60 shots. Outside of your personal score, you can compare your score against others globally on the weekly leaderboard. Once you’re ready to exit, you will click “Close” to restart or exit out of the Skills Test completely.