Local Match - Setup
  • 01 Nov 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Local Match - Setup

  • Dark

Article summary

Local Match:

This mode is played locally, as in by yourself or with friends within your sim install. It is a self-contained round of golf to enjoy. Up to 8 players can be selected to play. (Players are added in the “Player Settings” menu for detailed creation or quickly added in Local Match) When selecting “Local Match”, another selection menu will be presented.

  1. Select Course: This search bar allows you to search through the list of courses by Name, Location, and Designer.

  2. Filters: On the far right are all of the filters to help locate specific courses. These filters include Course Library, Quick Links, Sort by, Difficulty, Country, and Course Style.

  3. Course Name: The name of the course will display here.

  4. Location: Here you can see the location for the course.

  5. Full Information: If you’d wish to see the full information of the course, (Including a short summery of the course, its date updated, and your latest score) you can view it here. (Click “Filters” to return back to the filter options)

  6. Favorite: Clicking favorite will mark that course as a favorite course that can be located later with the “Favorites” filter.

  7. Play: Once you’re ready to play the course, press “Play”.

Local Match Setup

Once you select a course which you want to play, the following options and setup is presented to you. There are 3 tabs to review before starting your round.

  1. Players tab

  2. Match Settings tab

  3. Holes tab

Players Tab:

Here we can add our players to the match, and change some of their settings/teams.

  1. Select A Player: To select a player, click on the dropdown arrow adjacent to the first player selected. If you’d like to add more than one player, simply click on the plus in one of the available squares and select your new player.

  2. Player Settings: For each player, you can use the default tees for the match (on Match Settings tab) or using the left/right arrows, change the tees for the player.

  3. Change Team/Color: If you are playing a team event, change the colors of each player to match a “Team Color”. If you’re playing an individual event, each player will have their own colors by default.

  4. Invite Players: If you’d like to turn your Local Match into an Online Match, click “Invite Players” to change the match to Online.

  5. Create New Player: If you’d like to create a temporary player that won’t get added to your list of players, select “Create New Player”, and fill out their player name.

  6. Head To The Range: Not quite ready to play on the course, press head to the range to play on the range created for that specific course. (Some courses may not included their own range)

  7. Play Course: Once you’re ready to start the round, click play!

Match Settings Tab:

There are a ton of ways to make each round unique. The setup of the round is very customizable. There can be several choices for each item on this menu. It can look like a lot when first glancing at it, but in time it will become second nature and you will know how you like your rounds to be setup. Most of the settings are right/left arrows, and the other options will be on/of sliders.

Round Setup:

  1. Game Mode: Select Stroke, Scramble, Match, Alternate Shot (Stroke), Best Ball, Stableford, Shamble

  2. Tee Box: This is the tee box used if not specified by player in “Players” tab. (if players setting is “match setting tee”)

  3. Pins: Here you can alternate the pin from Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday

  4. Gimme/Auto Putt: Select distance to cup (2,4,5,6,8,10,12,16,18,20), Auto-Putt Fixed , Auto-Putt Random, Pick Your Putt, AutoPutt Fixed w/Chip

  5. Mulligans: Here you can turn Mulligans On or Off (CTRL M is keyboard shortcut in game for taking a mulligan)

  6. Resume Round: If a previous round for this course was ended prior to completion, there will be the ability to resume that round from were you left off. Turning this slider on will ghost out all the other settings. This is due to the fact you will be forced to use the previous rounds settings as they were when you ended the round. This includes local multi-player rounds. If you were playing with 3 local players, then all 3 will be present in the resume. If you wish to start a new round, leave this slider turned off.

Course Setup:

  1. Green Firmness: 5 different settings from soft to super hard (Links style).

  2. Fairway Firmness: 5 different settings from super soft to super hard (Links style).

  3. Elevation: Global (setup in setting of your local setup, this is your elevation setting)  or course elevation set by the course designer.

  4. Stimp: This setting will change the speed in which the greens will roll.

  5. Wind: Here you can change the wind from No Wind, Calm, Breezy, Gusty

    • Calm: 0-5 mph

    • Breezy: 5-10 mph

    • Gusty: 10-25 mph

Scoring & Assistance:

  1. Concede: Set what is scored when hole is conceded

  2. Auto Concede: Turn on to allow hole to be conceded automatically when the score is reached

  3. Putting Assistance: Turn on/off the games ability to semi-autocorrect ball line when putting. Some Launch Monitors will skew ball roll +/- when putting. This will ensure that skew is no more than 2 degrees.

  4. Breakline Indicator: On/off to enable or disable the ‘aiming stick’. This red stick has a white tail that indicates the amount of break in the green and its severity. Longer the white tail, the more severe the break.

  5. Realism: Change the realism setting to the global setting, or allow individual player realism settings.

  6. Handicap Play: On or Off. This is used to automatically tally Net scores if Handicap between golfers is set in player configuration. Scoreboard will reflect handicapped scoring.

  7. Putting Forgiveness: This setting offers an amount of “forgiveness” or makes lipping and jumping out of holes easier/harder.

  8. Putting Auto Aim: GSPro will aim your putt for you (just cant hit it for you though)

Course Recommended Settings:

If you’d like to utilize the course designers recommended settings, click “Course Recommended Settings”. Each setting will then be adjusted accordingly.

Holes Tab:

Here, you can simply select which holes you’d wish to play. By default all 18 holes will be selected. Uncheck individual holes if you’d wish to not play them, or uncheck whole front 9/back 9 holes with the “Front 9" and “Back 9” check boxes.

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