Keyboard Shortcuts
  • 20 Nov 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Article summary

GSPro Keyboard Shortcuts:

In this article, we will look over each Keyboard shortcut offered to you and what they do.

Where can I find the list of keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard shortcuts are currently only available to use/see when on a course or a practice mode. The most important keyboard shortcut to remember will be TAB. TAB will toggle a UI on screen during your match, and display all available shortcut keys.

Keyboard Shortcut limitations:

Some keyboard shortcuts can only be utilized when playing courses through On Course Practice. These shortcut keys are flagged with an asterisk. We’ll go through these shortcuts first:

  1. (8: Go To Ball) When playing On Course Practice, your ball by default will not continue from where it has landed. Pressing 8 on the keyboard will move your hitting area to that location rather than hitting again from the same hitting area.

  2. (9: Previous Hole) When playing On Course Practice, you will need to manually select each desired hole you’d like to move between. Pressing 9 will move you to the previous hole.

  3. (0: Next Hole) Similar to the previous shortcut key, 0 will take you to the next hole available.

Keyboard Shortcuts for all modes:

From the list below, these keyboard shortcuts can be utilized on any mode.

  1. (ESC: Show UI) Some UI may be turned off on screen by your own preference settings. If you’d like to show the UI on screen without changing those settings, you can press ESC to do so.

  2. (F1: Clear Tracer) If the ball tracer is enabled, you can press F1 to remove any showing ball tracers on screen.

  3. (F3: Aim Point) When pressed, your camera will alternate between your selected aim point on the mini-map/screen, the hole, and back to the ball.

  4. (F5: Free Look) When Pressed, you will enter a free fly camera mode. Hold right click and W/A/S/D/Q/E on your mouse to move around. Holding shift will speed up the rate at which you move. Press F5 again to return back to your ball.

  5. (F8:Console Short) Press F8 to show a small portion of the GSPro Console.

  6. (F9: Console Tall) Similar to F8, F9 will reveal a longer line of Console to review.

  7. (F11: Fullscreen) Easily enough, F11 will toggle GSPro between Windowed and Fullscreen mode.

  8. (5: Camera Go To Ball) If the camera somehow fails to center back onto the ball or if you’re utilizing the free look camera, pressing 5 may be a quick way to return back to the ball.

  9. (6: Camera Fly to Ball) Similar to the above, you can press 6 to create a short flying transition to the ball from your camera location.

  10. (-: Sound Off) Pressing - will completely cut all sound from GSPro. (If you’d like to mix the GSPro different sounds, you can do so in the Game > Sounds Settings)

  11. (+: Sound On) Similar to the above, pressing + will bring all volume back into GSPro.

  12. (TAB: Keyboard) As stated before, this keyboard shortcut will be the most important to remember. This will reveal all keyboard shortcuts on screen.

  13. (Q: Map Zoom In) Pressing Q will zoom the mini map in.

  14. (W: Map Zoom Out) Pressing W will zoom the mini map out.

  15. (R: Range Finder) Pressing R will put the camera into a range finder. Hold right click and drag to move the range finder in any direction. (Use the slider to zoom in and out) The directions can also be moved left/right with the left/right arrow keys.

  16. (T: Scorecard) Pressing T will allow you to review the scorecard so far through the round. (Do note that some practice modes such as On Course Practice will not allow you to review any scorecard)

  17. (Y: Heatmap) Pressing Y will show a heatmap over the green both on screen, and on the mini map. (The hotter the color, the higher the elevation)

  18. (U: Putt Toggle) Pressing U will switch your club in the club selector straight to the Putter.

  19. (I: Club Up) Starting from the Driver, pressing I will cycle through your clubs in your players bag all the way to Putter.

  20. (O: Flyover) Pressing O from the tee box will allow you to go through a cinematic flyover on the current hole played.

  21. (P: Pin Indicator) The Pin Indicator is the small box above the pin indicating the current distance to the pin as well as difference in lie. Pressing P will hide this box.

  22. (A: Reset Aim) If you’ve ever set your aim indicator off of the intended direction, press A to realign it.

  23. (S: Map Expand) If the map is ever too small, you can press S to create a larger mini map on screen.

  24. (D: Vertical Dots) On the green, vertical dots help identify breaks. Pressing D will disable these dots.

  25. (F: Frame Per Second) Pressing F will alternate between separate FPS limits:

    1. Vsync 1: Limits the FPS to the monitors refresh rate.

    2. Vsync 2: Limits the FPS to half of what the monitors refresh rate is.

    3. Vsync Off: This will completely remove any FPS cap.

  26. (G: Green grid) The grid along with the Vertical Dots mentioned earlier help to view breaks in the green. Pressing G will entirely remove the grid from view.

  27. (H: Hide UI) Pressing H will toggle all UI from showing on screen.

  28. (J: Shot Cam) From the direction of your aim point, pressing J will show the approximate distance of where your shot will land. (This distance is based on the mapped distance of the selected club in the bag)

  29. (K: Club Down) Similar to I, pressing K will transition between clubs starting at your putter all the way to your driver.

  30. (L: Lighting) Pressing L will reveal the lighting settings as well as the offset manager.

  31. (Z: 3D Grass) If the 3D grass is ever in the way of spotting the ball, you can press Z to remove the 3D texture.

  32. (C: Tee Left) When in the tee box, press C to place the ball further left in the tee box.

  33. (V: Tee Right) The same as C, press V to place the ball further right in the tee box.

  34. (B: Camera Clip) The camera behind the ball that we view from is about 6ft back and up from the ball. Depending on the ball’s lie, this can on occasion cause the ball to no longer be in sight for the shot. Pressing B will in most cases remove these objects from between our view to the ball. (Clicking your aimpoint before pressing B can help improve what objects become removed)

  35. (N: Switch Hand) If you’re playing with multiple people who are left/right handed, you can press N to switch between left/right hand.

  36. (Control + M: Mulligan) If mulligans are enabled for your round, you can press Control and M together to mulligan the last shot taken.

  37. (<: Shadow Less) Utilize this key to reduce the overall shadow quality within GSPro.

  38. (>: Shadow More) Utilize this key to increase the overall shadow quality within GSPro. (These shadow settings may help if you’re experiencing any issues in the PC being pushed too hard)

  39. (Spacebar: Fast forward) Holding the spacebar will speed up the ball flight/roll.

  40. (Left Arrow: Aim Left) Use the left arrow to adjust your aim point left.

  41. (Up Arrow: Aim Forward) Use the Up arrow to move your aim point further forward.

  42. (Down Arrow: Aim Back) Use the Down arrow to move the aim point closer to yourself.

  43. (Right Arrow: Aim Right) Use the right arrow to adjust your aim point right.

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