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GSPro Practice Range
Welcome to the newest GSPro Practice Range! In this guide, we will go over all of the new game modes, features, and UI locations.
Where Can I Find The New GSPro Practice Range?
Similar to the location of the driving range in previous versions, you will select “Practice” from the main menu selection and then select “Practice Range”.
New Driving Range Modes
Outside of the new look, we will be looking at one big change to the Practice Range found in the top left corner of the screen. Click the “Down Arrow” from the “Driving Range Distance” box. We are given a whole new selection of options to choose from.
Driving Range
The driving range as seen above offers a straight forward range to practice your swing. Utilize the options below to customize your driving range to your liking.
Driving Range Width: Now, you can slide the width of the fairway to your selected distance.
Green Width: Similar to the above, you can now adjust the width of the green at the end of the range.
Driving Range Distance: This setting remains the same as previous. Just with a new location and look. (Clicking on the randomizer will reveal your “Max Distance”, “Min Distance”, and “Shots per” options)
Max Distance: This parameter tells GSPro the maximum distance the randomizer can set the range to.
Min Distance: This parameter tells GSPro the minimum distance the randomizer can set the range to.
Shots Per: These numbers tell GSPro how many shots can be taken before the randomizer creates a new distance within your parameters.
Dynamic Holes (Builder)
Dynamic Holes is our proud new feature allowing the user to fully customize the range to your hearts content. Utilize the tools below to build your ideal range.
Green Type: This tool directly changes the green from a variety of preset green options
Style & Architecture: This tool can be toggled between several “styles” around the green. This can create an easier, or much more challenging range experience.
Mirror: utilize this option to rotate the “Green Type” and “Style & Architecture” 180 degrees.
Pin Location: Utilize the arrows on both sides to change the pin location on the green between Thursday-Sunday pins.
Rotator: If the mirrored 180 doesn’t suite your ideal position, you can utilize the “Rotator” slider to completely rotate the custom hole 360*.
Tee Box Distance: Use the slider under this option to move the tee box closer or further away from the pin.
Tee Box Height: Use the slider under this option to move the tee box platform higher or lower.
Dynamic Holes (Random)
Rather than setting all of your own personal options for a customized driving range, select the “Random” option to have GSPro randomize the range within your restrictions.
Number of Shots Per: This option will dictate how many shots you can take from a position before the range is randomized again.
Maximum Distance: This slider will limit the max distance the tee box can be from the pin.
Minimum Distance: This slider will limit the minimum distance the tee box can be from the pin.
The Playground
The Playground will be the third option in the GSPro practice range we will be going over in this guide. This range will offer the most variety in where you tee off, to where the pin is, and lastly the distance of the pin from your tee.
Change Ball Location And Pin: These arrows will rotate you between 13 preset pin, and ball locations.
Change Aimpoint: These arrows will change what pin location/aim point you will lock to.
Change Ball Location: These arrows will alternate you between all of the 13 ball locations.
Each of the above modes offers a Multiplayer option. Below, we’ll go over each game mode offered, and their customization options.
Number of Players: Self explanatory. This settings changes the total number of players participating in the game mode.
Shots Per Round: During a round, each player will get “x” amount of shots before that round is over.
Scoring measurement: This option will allow you to alternate between Best, Sum, or Average.
Best: The Player with the one best score will win that match or round.
Sum: If each player is given multiple shots per round, the sum of those scores will be added. The highest sum will win that match or round
Average: Similar to Sum all of the scores taken in a round will be added up, but now will be divided by the total amount of shots taken to find the average shots in that round. The player with the best average score will win the match or round.
Game Mode: There are currently two game modes. (Rounds, and Elimination)
Rounds: This game mode simply is a round by round match. Each player will get to take their selected amount of shots, and get a score for the end of the round. Once the round is over, all of the players will move onto the next round if more rounds are set to be played.
Elimination: In elimination, all selected players will take their respective shots in a round. Once all of the shots are taken, the player with the worst score will be eliminated. The rest of the players will move onto the next round. This process will continue until only one player is left.
Export CSV/Ball Placement/Quick CTP
In addition to the new range options, we’ve added some familiar modes/features into the practice range.
CSV Export
If you’d ever wish to save the data of shots you’ve taken on the range, we offer a method to do so. In the top left corner of the screen, you’ll find a “clipboard” icon. Click this icon to view partial data for shots taken so far.
In this new window, you can view some data points attached to each shot taken so far. (If a shot was taken by mistake, you can click on the trashcan adjacent to it to delete the shot) If you’d wish to view more data points attached with your shots than what’s shown, click “Export CSV”. This will create a summary on your desktop to view.
Ball Placement
Similar to On Course Practice, we believe it would make for a great addition to place your ball at any location on any of the practice range options. This will essentially give you total freedom to truly tee off from any position on the range.
To do this, you’ll need to first locate and click on the “ball” icon found in the top left corner of the screen. You’ll know once you’ve clicked on the icon when your mouse turns into the same ball icon. To place your ball, now click anywhere on screen in front of you or on the mini map if the location is out of sight.
Quick CTP (Closest To the Pin)
Setting up a Closest To the Pin match on a course may take a long time to set up, or you may simply want to play the game on a straight range. Now, we offer just that! To start, ensure you’re in your desired location to tee off. Once you’re in the location of choice, click “Quick CTP” found in the top left corner. (Once selected, the match will begin)
Once a ball falls onto the green, the first score will be posted on the board as seen below. If you’re playing with multiple users and want to keep track of who’s shots are who’s, you can click on the two dashes adjacent to the shot to connect your name to the shot. (If you’d wish to clear the board for a new match, you can do so with the “Clear” text found in the top left of the CTP board)